A brief version of my CV is shown below (current as of 03/2025)
Please download my Full CV for more information
NASA Hubble Fellow, Space Telescope Science Institute (2024–present)
Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Astronomy, University of Washington (2020–2024)
NSF Graduate Research Fellow, Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan (2015–2020)
Ph.D., Astronomy & Astrophysics (August 2020), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
M.S., Astronomy & Astrophysics (May 2017), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
B.S., Physics (Astrophysics) (May 2015), University of Toledo, Toledo, OH
Total: 38 papers; 8 first author, 30 contributing author; h-index = 13
Z. Chen, B.F. Williams, D. Lang, et al. (incl. A. Smercina), 2025, "PHAST. The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Southern Treasury. I. Ultraviolet and Optical Photometry of over 90 Million Stars in M31", ApJ, 979, 35
B.N. Velguth, E.F. Bell, A. Smercina, et al. 2024, "A Timeline of the M81 Group: Properties of the Extended Structures of M82 and NGC 3077", ApJ, Accepted
A. Smercina, J.J. Dalcanton, B.F. Williams, et al. 2023, "The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER). V. The Structure of M33 in Resolved Stellar Populations", ApJ, 957, 3
B. Harmsen, E.F. Bell, R. D'Souza, et al. (incl. A. Smercina), 2023, "Constraining the assembly time of the stellar haloes of nearby Milky Way-mass galaxies through AGB populations", MNRAS, 525, 4497
B.F. Williams, M.J. Durbin, D. Lang, J.J. Dalcanton, A.E. Dolphin, A. Smercina, et al. 2023, "The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury XXI. The Legacy Resolved Stellar Photometry Catalog", ApJS, 268, 48
A. Smercina, E.F. Bell, P.A. Price, et al. 2023, "Origins of the Evil Eye: M64’s Stellar Halo Reveals the Recent Accretion of an SMC-Mass Satellite", ApJ Letters, 949, L37
K. Gozman, E.F. Bell, A. Smercina et al. 2023, "Saying Hallo to M94’s Stellar Halo: Saying Hallo to M94’s Stellar Halo: Investigating the Accretion History of the Largest Pseudobulge-Host in the Local Universe", ApJ, 947, 21
K.D. French, A. Smercina, K. Rowlands, et al. 2023, "The State of the Molecular Gas in Post-Starburst Galaxies", ApJ, 942, 25
E.F. Bell, A. Smercina, P.A. Price, et al. 2022, "Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxy Candidates in the M81 Group: Signatures of Group Accretion", ApJL, 937, L3
J. Pan, E.F. Bell, A. Smercina, et al. 2022, "New Globular Cluster Candidates in the M81 Group", MNRAS, 515, 48
A. Smercina, J.D.T. Smith, K.D. French, et al. 2022, "After The Fall: Resolving the Molecular Gas in Post-Starburst Galaxies", ApJ, 929, 154
A. Smercina, E.F. Bell, J. Samuel, R. D'Souza, 2022, "Relating the Diverse Merger Histories and Satellite Populations of Nearby Galaxies", ApJ, 930, 69
R. Chandar, A. Mok, K.D. French, A. Smercina, J.D.T Smith, 2021, "The Star Formation History of a Post-Starburst Galaxy Determined From its Star Cluster Population", ApJ, 920, 105
B.F. Williams, M.J. Durbin, J.J. Dalcanton, et al. (incl. Smercina), 2021, "The Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER) I. Ultraviolet to Infrared Photometry of 22 Million Stars in M33", ApJS, 253, 53
A. Smercina, E.F. Bell, P.A. Price, C.T. Slater, R. D'Souza, et al. 2020, "The Saga of M81: Global View of A Massive Stellar Halo in Formation", ApJ, 905, 60
A. Smercina, E.F. Bell, P.A. Price, R. D'Souza, et al. 2018, "A Lonely Giant: The Sparse Satellite Population of M94 Challenges Galaxy Formation", ApJ, 863, 152
A. Smercina, J.D.T Smith, D.A. Dale, K.D. French, et al. 2018, "After The Fall: The Dust and Gas in E+A Post-Starburst Galaxies", ApJ, 855, 51
A. Smercina, E.F. Bell, C.T. Slater, P.A. Price, J. Bailin, A. Monachesi, et al. 2017, "d1005+68: A New Faint Dwarf Galaxy in the M81 Group", ApJ Letters, 843, L6